After Nina Lalli was summarily shown the door at the Village Voice, I'd forgotten to check in on the paper's new chowchick, Sarah DiGregorio. During a cursory look at the one or two things left worth reading in that rag, I noticed that Eat for Victory had been replaced by Fork in the Road (cute title, works for me).
Here's the weird part. After leaving Lalli's Feb. 19 post up FOREVER, FitR started March 10 without so much as a hello, I'm the new eater on the block. Fine, I don't expect DiGregorio to explain her new boss' bizarro decisions. But no acknowledgment of a new columnist, a column name change? That's just weird, like some totalitarian regime changing history books to erase "inconvenient" facts.
As of this morning, DiGregorio's posted 24 times since her start, with as many as four posts in a single day (Lalli averaged about 3-4 posts a week). Ah, the eagerness of the newbie employee. Don't worry, Sarah, the Voice will ditch you too one of these days.
So far, she's treading familiar ground -- commenting on news, riffing off of Sietsema, a couple of field trips and some original reporting (like Bowery Whole Foods' decision to stop offering plastic bags a month earlier than its national cutoff). We'll check in periodically, but to be honest the whole affair has left a bitter taste.
[photo of Andrew Coté's honey over blue cheese from DiGregorio's first Voice post]