Posting has been on the light side of late over here at Sound Taste. I'm not off lying in a hammock listening to the surf (though I wish badly that I were). I'm actually engaged in some serious hustling, which is taking most of my brain power.
I expect to return all refreshed and giving you dear readers lots of bloggy love après Labor Day.
In the meantime, enjoy a couple of videos, with props to some of my fave sites:
Chocó hip hop "San Antonio" from the Colombian Festival Petronio Alvarez site via la guayabita.
Merengue típico grrl power with La India Canela following up on Jace's post.
And this "I done seen about everything" phase in the evolution of bhangra-hip hop relations (with a soupçon of kuffiya-ism), from the Bollywood flick Singh is Kinng, via Ted Swedenburg's hawgblag. (Why does the narrator have a faux-Mexican accent?)