Never mind the Black President, Dominicans are all into a Black Santa Claus this year.
According to a press release I received, the Dominican-made movie "Santi Cló: la Vaina de la Navidad" outsold "Quantum of Solace" for the week after its release Nov. 13.
Santa Claus body-slammed the Three Wise Men out of the Christmas gift-giving business a long time ago. But a Black Santa? That is progress.
Several Dominican pop movies that have come out in the past few years have had the potential to use comedy to look at interesting issues. Sanky Panky, the previous outing by this production team, was about young men who pimp themselves out to lonely tourist women (in other words, this was the funny take on the same themes in the great Heading South).
Alas, movies like Nueba Yol, Perico Ripiao and Sanky Panky always overwhelm interesting issues with overacting, overwrought conflicts and sappy resolutions. Nonetheless, I'll probably go see this when it's released in Washington Heights (or maybe I'll just take a trip uptown to see if the bootlegs are out yet, ho ho ho).
Meantime, here's the (too-long) trailer.
[Santi Cló & Bond face off image by Santiclodominicano via Flckr]
Hi Caro,
I'm doing some research on world film... any idea what Dominican-made film is the most popular in the DR?
Posted by: Gavin | November 24, 2008 at 04:37 PM