El ritmo es la posibilidad de conexión de toda la especie humana y de eso nos vamos a encargar en el Systema Solar.
[Rhythm is the possibility of connection for the entire human species and we'll take care of that in Systema Solar]
A little cumbia, a little social conscience, a little global Afrofunk with a Colombian twist, and a "sazoncito" of scratching on top. That's the picture we get in this video of Systema Solar, one of the interesting mongrelizing groups popping up in corners of Latin America under the global flag of hip hop, in this case in the bubbling Caribbean city of Cartagena.
Among several visual goodies, check the footage of the picó/soundsystem speaker stax. (Note: I remember picó as an old-fashioned name for a record player. Love the migration of terms.)
Thanks to Masala for the tip. For more on Colombian hip hop, check the website for the doc Frekuensia Colombiana (check the doc trailer while you're there, too).